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Also known as nearsightedness, myopia affects millions worldwide. This common refractive error causes blurry vision at a distance, making it difficult to focus on things farther away, while objects up close can be seen clearly.

Understanding and managing myopia is not just about achieving clear vision, but more importantly, about preserving your eye health for the future. At Conestoga Eye, we aim to shed light on the crucial aspects of myopia management, providing practical advice and insights for those affected by this common yet often misunderstood condition.

Understanding Myopia & Its Causes

For a person with myopia, objects in the distance will appear blurry or unclear, while nearby ones are easier to see. This condition arises when the eye grows too long from front to back, causing light rays to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it.

Environmental factors and genetics play key roles in the development of myopia. Prolonged close-up work, like reading, screen time, or any activity that requires intense focus on nearby objects, can increase the risk. Genetic predisposition also factors in, with individuals more likely to develop myopia if one or more of their parents have the condition.

Myopia typically first presents in childhood and progresses gradually or rapidly during the teenage years and early adulthood. Common symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Bulrred Distance Vision: This is the most defining symptom of myopia. Individuals might find it challenging to read road signs, recognize faces from a distance, or focus on the whiteboard in a classroom.
  • Squinting or Closing One Eye: Squinting improves the focus and clarity of distant objects temporarily. Closing one eye may also be used to see more clearly.
  • Headaches: Severe myopia, also known as 'high myopia,' can result in recurrent headaches due to the strain on the eyes.
  • Eye Fatigue or Strain: This may be experienced after prolonged periods of focusing on distant objects.
  • Excessive Blinking or Rubbing of Eyes: This is common in children and might indicate the presence of myopia or another vision problem.

If you or your child experience any of these symptoms, visit Conestoga Eye for a medical eye exam to get an accurate diagnosis.

Complications of Myopia

In its mild to moderate forms, myopia is simple to manage with prescription glasses or contact lenses. Unmanaged or degenerative myopia can result in more impactful vision loss, negatively affecting daily activities and independence.

For children, myopia can significantly impact their academic performance and social interactions. Difficulty seeing the board clearly, reading, or engaging in sports can lead to reduced participation and a sense of isolation. This can further contribute to decreased self-esteem and confidence.

In severe cases, high myopia increases the risk of developing other serious eye conditions, such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, and macular degeneration, which can lead to irreversible vision loss.

Therefore, managing myopia early on is not just about clear vision—it's about maintaining a full, active, and productive life.

How To Prevent Myopia

While it's not possible to completely prevent myopia, certain lifestyle changes can help slow progressive myopia.

One of the critical factors is screen time. Limiting the amount of time spent on digital devices like computers, tablets, and smartphones can help reduce the strain on the eyes. Establishing screen-free zones at home and taking consistent breaks during prolonged screen use can be beneficial.

Another essential method to manage myopia is to spend more time outdoors. Exposure to natural light and focusing on distant objects while playing outside can be a natural deterrent to myopia. Encouraging outdoor activities and games for children can significantly contribute to eye health. Plus, the importance of regular eye exams with an eye doctor cannot be overstated. Regular eye examinations are critical in detecting myopia early and managing it effectively. Eye exams can also identify other eye conditions that might put a person's vision at risk. At Conestoga Eye, we provide comprehensive eye exams and personalized advice to manage and slow down the progression of myopia.

Myopia Management Techniques

Corrective lenses, like prescription glasses or contacts, are the most common solutions for managing myopia. They help to focus light correctly on the retina, providing clearer vision. In terms of glasses, bifocal or progressive lenses are often recommended for myopic individuals, especially children, as they can help slow down the progression of the condition.

Refractive surgery is a more permanent method to correct myopia. This procedure reshapes the cornea, allowing light that enters the eye to be properly focused. The result is a significant improvement in vision, reducing or even eliminating the need for corrective lenses.

One type of refractive surgery involves implanting phakic intraocular lenses (IOLs). These lenses work in conjunction with the eye's natural lens to correct myopia. Phakic IOLs are placed inside the eye and can be an excellent option for individuals with high levels of myopia and/or thin corneas not suitable for other forms of refractive surgery.

They effectively correct the blurred vision caused by myopia by altering the way light enters the eye. The placement of the phakic IOLs allows light to be accurately focused onto the retina, providing the individual with clear, sharp vision. It's important to note that while phakic IOLs can significantly improve the vision of people with myopia, regular follow-ups with your eye care professional are necessary to ensure the continued health of your eyes.

Talk To The Experts Today

At Conestoga Eye, we believe in the power of preventative care and education. We're here to equip you with the knowledge and tools to take charge of your eye health. With a focus on early detection and prevention, our eye care professionals provide expert advice and effective management strategies tailored to each individual's circumstances.

Our comprehensive approach to myopia management starts with a thorough eye examination to establish the degree of myopia and any other conditions. Based on your results, we will recommend a personalized management plan to help correct and slow down your myopia. Our team brings together a wealth of experience and a depth of specialist knowledge, ensuring that you receive the best available care within a supportive and welcoming environment.

If you or a loved one is suffering from myopia, we invite you to get in touch with us today. Our team of experts will be happy to answer your questions and provide the support you need to keep your eyes healthy and strong.

The experts at Conestoga Eye are ready to help your family improve their vision and quality of life. Schedule an appointment online with us today to start your journey toward better vision.