Blepharospasm is a sustained, forced, involuntary closing of the eyelid(s). Needless to say, based on the level of closure, Blepharospasm causes limited or loss of vision in the eye. It is possible to have Blepharospasm effect one or both eyelids. While the causes of Blepharospasm are relatively unknown, there has been research done by the BEBRF connecting the disorder to brain functionality, heredity, and dry eye. Often, Blepharospasm is just one expression of a larger disease known as dystonia.

The most common way to treat Blepharospasm is with Botox (Botulinum Toxin), which freezes (causes localized, partial paralysis) the muscle effected by the Blepharospam, halting further closure of the eyelid.

Dr. Silbert has been administering Botox since its creation in 1987, when it was originally use to treat strabismus and other eye conditions. Ophthalmologists have been using Botox for over 30 years to treat these, and a variety of other disorders, including Blepharospasm.

Generally, Botox treatments are administered every 3 months for Blepharospasm.